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  • Chocolate diet

    Chocolate diet


    One time and another the chocolate diet was one of the most popular and fashionable. The only name is worth. It would seem each person keep diet with a great pleasure.

    In truth, chocolate diet is one of the most hard and difficult diets. Over a period of chocolate diet it is allowed to eat up to 80 g of chocolate or bars of chocolate during the day. You can drink only coffee without sugar with skim milk, and not earlier at that than in 3 hours after eating (if we can call a quarter of bar of chocolate, food in general).

    Judge for yourself, does such diet heavily differs from fast? Extremely low calorie content, can be quite lead to depression, giddy, faint, and to something worse; meager size of taken food; in addition - coffee on an empty stomach. And if you do as it is advised on many sites, to use chocolate diet during 5-7 days, then break for 4-6 days, and repeat from the start…- think for yourself, what can your organism turn after such a mockery in?

    And of course, chocolate diet does not favour of making habits of rational nutrition. Completing it, it will be difficult to keep yourself of temptation to be full to the scuppers.

    Resuming everything, I want to tell: I did not feel chocolate diet, and am not going to try and do not recommend to you. Let it, as it is written in many sources, allow losing weight up to 6 k in a week. The health is the worthiest! If we can take something rational from the idea of such diet, it is chocolate fasting days: to eat in such diet one day in a week, if the use of coffee is not contra-indicated for you, of course.

    Rating of this diet: 3

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